Alessandro School is celebrating reading!
Read Across America is raging now! Please encourage your
student to read at least 20 minutes a day and keep a log of how well
they are doing.
On March 3, 2014, students will be allowed to dress comfortably in appropriate pajamas, bring pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, even yoga mats. We will be on the floor of the gym, so be
sure to bring something to lie on that will keep you warm on our cool floor.
Classrooms have been given team names to inspire all
the participants. We will have The Nighty Mites from Mr. Osgood's class.
The Words of Wisdom from Ms. Samtoy. Great Expectations of Ms. Beaird's
class. Rabid Readers in Ms. Divine's room. Ms. Leafstone has Joie de Livre
(Joy of Reading). Novel Ideas brought to you by Mr. Martinez. Ms. Shattuck is
way Beyond Words. Mr. Morton has The Bookmark's, while the office staff has
Bed Bugs!!!
Lunch will be served in the gym. There will be donations of books to be raffled
off to students of all ages, prizes, goody bags, certificates and lots of fun!
Staff will be donating books that they enjoyed reading when they were younger
and letting us know just what is so amazing, wonderful, scary, disgusting,
heart-warming or heart-breaking about these books.
It is sure to be a day to remember, with readings of Dr. Seuss favorites
everyone will love!