Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Halloween Pictures!

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Left to Right
Scream, Ernie, Ariel, White Ninja, Dia de los Muertos Man, Black Ninja, Frankenstein, Creepy Clown, Dracula in his Yellow Jacket, Witch, and Skelator without his muscles.
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Jack Skellington

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Cup of Noodles
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"Move along...Nothing to see..."
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Minnie and Gap Diva

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"Nerd is the Word!"     
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     "I caught a GAS MAN!"

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Alessandro’s Haunted House of Horror

                Have you ever felt trapped in a dark and seemingly desolate space and just couldn’t get out?

                Well, that’s kind of what it was like when I made my way through the Osgood and Samtoy’s House of Horror. As soon as the door slammed shut, I knew I was in for a spooky, frightening treat! I crept slowly through the dark trying to feel my way around until I saw the beady-eyed Michael Myers. Suddenly, I had an urge to power walk away from the slow-walking serial killer. I didn’t get very far because the next thing I knew, everyone was brought to a halt. Confusion set in.
I could hear children pleading: “I don’t want to go in…come with me please…pleeeeasssssssssse!”
The next thing I knew, I was crawling on all fours…low and slow…face to ground-and I got stuck!
I could hear screams of terror coming from each side. Then the tunnel began to shake violently.  I managed to break free and was disoriented by the blinding, flashing lights at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly I came face to face with Big Red Himself!
           "hey ya'll!"
I ran as fast as my thunder thighs could take me, but my attempt was fruitless. As soon as I turned the corner…I saw the most frightening scene-
It was a clown!
clown pennywise1
I made a break for the exit, slammed into the rocky walls, and into a spider’s web!
I barely escaped with my life.
This was definitely the most exciting part of my Halloween experience here at Alessandro School and I can’t wait to see what the haunted duo and their aides (Jesse, Ricardo, Rhonda, and Rita) have in store for next year!